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I am a qualified Food Technologist with working experience in Food Processing Sector in India.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Is India Ready for Lactose Free Milk ?

With a production of 137 Million Tons of Milk in 2015, India has become the World's largest producer of milk thanks to 'Operation-White Revolution'.  

Milk is a very good source of protein and calcium for vegetarians. It has fat and vitamins additionally. It is an ideal food for all age groups. 

It has all the nutrients for nourishment of human body:
  • 4 - 5% sugar(Lactose)
  • 3% fat (Toned milk) for giving energy 
  • 3 - 4% Protein for muscle formation  
  • 200mg% Calcium for bone and teeth formation
  • Vit B12 (only source for Egg free Vegetarians)

However, bovine Milk contains Lactose, a form of sugar which poses certain digestive problems. It needs special enzymes for digestion in the stomach. The human intestine secretes an enzyme called Lactase which splits the milk sugar Lactose to Glucose and Galactose which are easily absorbed by the body.

Infants have the highest level of lactase secretion. As one grows up and with aging, the secretion of this enzyme comes down gradually leading to Lactose intolerance.

Most of the Asians are intolerant to lactose. Particularly, 60 to 70% of Indians suffer from lactose intolerance due to genetic reasons. The incidence is more prevalent in South India and less in North India.

The symptoms of lactose intolerance are abdominal belching, diarrhea, indigestion, nausea, flatulencerumbling stomach and uneasiness after consuming dairy milk and occasionally vomiting.

This is not be confused with Milk Allergy which has different symptoms and a totally different manifestation. 

There is no cure for lactose intolerance. Only diet regulation and avoidance of milk and products like ice cream, condensed milk, milk Khoa based sweets.

They can however consume without any problem fermented milk products such as curd or yogurt, paneer / cheese and butter milk as most of the lactose is converted to lactic acid by the favorable bacteria (a starter culture of lactobacillus sp. added to milk) during milk fermentation. Sweets from Paneer do not do any harm to such population.

Alternate sources of milk available for such persons are the Soy Milk and the very expensive Almond Milk. Indians add Milk to Coffee or Tea or other health beverages as a normal practice. Both Soy Milk and Almond Milk are not suitable for the purpose.

In order to cater to the needs of lactose intolerant population, technology had been developed to make Lactose Free Milk.

The toned UHT sterilised milk is treated with enzyme Lactase under controlled conditions to split the sugar into digestible ones (glucose and galactose) and  packed in 'TetraPak's for storage at ambient temperature for 3 - 6 month's shelf-life. 

The product is more sweeter than the natural milk and hence extra addition of sugar can be minimised while consuming the beverage. Diabetics can consume it as it is.

Finland was the 1st Country to launch the product as it is the World's largest consumer of milk (per capita consumption of 395 Kg/annum of all dairy products).

In India 'Amul' has launched the Lactose Free Milk which is available at all Organised Retail Stores across the Country. Few other MNC Dairies also planning to  launch the product.

DSM Food Specialities BV, Netherlands and Novozyme manufacture the Industrial enzyme Lactase and Beta Galactosidase.

Currently the Amul's Lactose Free Milk is priced at Rs.100/- per litre (Rs.25/- for 250 ml TetraPak).The price may come down in due course of time with increased volumes and competition. The segment is estimated to grow @ 8% per annum.

With the huge urban middle class consumers, India has a huge potential for Lactose Free Milk. It has a good Export Potential for other Asian Countries where Lactose intolerance is quite rampant.

Any new Dairy Entrepreneur should consider  manufacturing 'Lactose Free Milk' as a value added product in their product mix, since the liquid milk market has reached a saturation point in India due to several local and regional players in the market.

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