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I am a qualified Food Technologist with working experience in Food Processing Sector in India.

Friday 12 August 2016

Vacuum Fried Chips - A New Healthy Option !

Do you crave for fried chips and are afraid of excess calories?

No more worries! A new age, healthy, low fat  vacuum fried chips and snacks are in the market!

Any traditional fried  chip or snack would have fat / oil content of 30% and above. The vacuum frying technology makes chips with only 14 % fat content. 

In vacuum frying, oil is heated to only 90 to 100 °C as against atmospheric frying temperature of 180 °C.

Because of such low temperature frying, oil absorption is less; further more there is no formation of acrylamide (a potent carcinogen) in the product. All nutrients like anti-oxidants and pigments are retained which give the product its natural colour.

The technology was developed initially to fry potato chips; later on it was  extended to fry other vegetables and fruits. As fruits have sugars in them, atmospheric frying cannot be adopted for them. Certain pre-treatments are necessary like Osmotic dehydration or partial Freeze drying for reducing the moisture content in fruits.

The vacuum frying technology has enabled the consumer to have a wide choice of products now:  
  • Vegetable Chips: Raw banana, casava (Tapioca), karela (bitter gourd), sweet potato, cauliflower, egg plant (brinjal), pumpkin, beet root, carrots, yam (collacasia) and beans apart from the traditional potato. 
  • Fruit Chips: Ripe bananas, apple slices, pineapple, melon, jack fruit, mango and papaya.
  • Nuts: Almond, Cashew and Peanuts
  • Others: Traditional snacks
Fruit chips are certainly a healthy option as they pack in complete nutrition - Calories (energy), fibre, vitamins and minerals along with fat.

The vacuum fried fruit and vegetable snack products are made in commercial scale in Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Phillipines and Cambodia and exported world over. 

Florigo International, Netherlands and Heat & Control, USA are the leading Technology Suppliers. Few Korean and Taiwanese Companies are also making small capacity Batch Vacuum Fryers.

Greenday and Chiquita are the leading brands worldwide. Currently these imported products are available in  Duty Free Shops at all Indian Airports.

One Company in Kerala has imported the Batch type vacuum frying machinery  for making 'Nendran' banana chips and another Company is setting up shop near Hyderabad.

Very soon the market is going to be flooded with many such brands as India has a vast potential for the New Generation Snacks.
(Vacuum Fryer - Heat and Control, USA)

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